Chinese translations
Specialized translations from and into Chinese, for individuals and businesses
Chinese translations for all subject areas
The People's Republic of China is the world's most populous country and the second largest economy in the world, with continuously growing trade indicators.
In total, it is estimated that about 1.2 billion people speak some form of Chinese as their main language! The Chinese language includes a vast range of different dialects and each is subject to a variety of linguistic rules and specific terminologies. Consequently, accurate translation of Chinese requires a high level of expertise and experience.
ACM Translations in Athens and Thessaloniki has experienced & highly trained translators and proofreaders to meet all your translation needs into and from Chinese and all of its dialects!
In total, it is estimated that about 1.2 billion people speak some form of Chinese as their main language! The Chinese language includes a vast range of different dialects and each is subject to a variety of linguistic rules and specific terminologies. Consequently, accurate translation of Chinese requires a high level of expertise and experience.
ACM Translations in Athens and Thessaloniki has experienced & highly trained translators and proofreaders to meet all your translation needs into and from Chinese and all of its dialects!